Tools to Relieve Stress and Anxiety
Jacaranda Blossoming, San Diego, California 2010
There is no one-cure-all for anxiety. Everyone’s tools will be intimately and uniquely personal to them. There are so many medications, meditations, self-help books, and supplements claiming to be a final cure-all for anxiety. Yet, there's no one solution that will produce the same effects for every one. It's a personal path to walk.
It's a journey. Anxiety is a gift calling you home, screaming at you to sit down and feel, even when that feels absolutely unbearable. We don't heal by following someone else's path that worked for them. We heal by following the beat of our own heart. It's an internal experience. Some things will work for a while, short term medication may help, long term medication may potentially stuff it down deeper. As scary as it is, and even when you think you're actually going to die, you gotta go in. Look inside, get familiar with yourself. Feel. Begin with feeling and see what happens.
This process can be extremely scary, painful, and uncomfortable. So, while none of these tools "cure" anxiety. They may assist you in the process of walking your own path, and can dramatically reduce the intensity while you address your inner work. Some of these tools may move you into the inner work and support you while you're there.
Lemon Balm - this is such a magical herb!
Lemon Balm, also known as Melissa officinalis, can drastically calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety, insomnia, and indigestion. It soothes the nerves in the body which helps to reduce the pain response. I drink a minimum of 2 cups per day and as many as 4 some days. Herb + Nectar Botanic Supply located in San Diego, CA offers beautifully crafted, organic herbs and teas. My first choice is always loose leaf tea. However, sometimes it feels like too much work in the midst of panic so I will opt for Traditional Medicinals tea bags who I trust and have used for decades.
Bergamot and Lavender Essential Oils
Bergamot and Lavender were first recommended to me by my wonderful psychologist. She had wanted to find something to support her patients who opted for the route of healing and support without the traditional use of pharmaceutical medication. Her clients have all come back reporting a reduction in their symptoms of anxiety, including me!
Bergamot - has a very uplifting and calming effect simultaneously. It does wonders for relieving depression, reducing stress and anxiety, and enhancing mood.
Lavender - lavender must be one of the most used essential oils in the world. I remember it from childhood and I always had it in my medicine cabinet. Lavender has powerful sedative, anti-depressive, and calming effects.
Just the mere ritual of rubbing these oils in between your hands and breathing in is beneficial.
Place 3 drops of Bergamot oil in your palms, rub palms together 3 times to activate oil and breath in 3 separate times, rubbing hands in between each breath. Immediately repeat steps with the Lavender oil. They mix together beautifully. Do this as many times a day as you need. And then, smile.
Good quality oils are very important, otherwise it is a waste of time. I personally use and love dōTERRA
You will be amazed at how much better you will feel after something as simple as writing. Go out, get a beautiful journal, and write whatever you want. Place all of your thoughts, feelings, and hopes on paper. It is very important to pay attention to your dreams and write them down in the morning. Our psyche delivers really potent and important information to us during our sleep cycles. A lot of messages can come through during dreamtime. Notice them, and write them down. On days I wake up with a pounding heart, I start writing immediately and the anxiety subsides. Anxiety is a form of energy asking to be moved, writing is a wonderful way to move it.
Go outside and walk. At least 30 minutes per day, 4 times per week. This is crucial, and this is another activity to do immediately upon waking if you need to. Our bodies were designed to move. We need to move our blood and lymph system as much as possible. If we don't, energy can't move through us as freely. Pay attention to how much capacity you have for music or podcasts during your walks. Sometimes it's inspiring, and sometimes we need to walk with our ears free to hear the world around us, it brings us into the present moment. Notice the birds, the clouds, and the wind. Notice everyone and everything around you, pay attention.
Daily Practice
This is ESSENTIAL. We need to get into our bodies. If you practice yoga, commit to it. If you meditate, commit to it. If you do light stretching, commit to it. Every morning. If it doesn't fit in the morning, do it in the evening, but it must be done every day. (*Tip: It will be much easier if you choose the same time to do your practice every day. Your body will eventually learn the pattern of what you do during that particular time of day and your mind will become trained to keep at it*)
I used to struggle with this, and I used to hate reading that I had to commit to a daily practice every day at the same time in order to feel better. But, I overcame resistance and I get it now. And I think you will too.
Make some lemon balm tea or hot water with lemon. Put on some music if you want, anything you love. Light a candle, sit down, and do it. No excuses. My practice now looks like yoga, reading a few pages of poetry, writing or drawing, hot lemon water, palo santo, music, and maybe some dancing. I do it everyday at the same time. And now it's something I look forward to waking up for. Give yourself that gift.
If you really want to get into your body. Go into a private room, turn on this song, close your eyes, and dance. Let the music and lyrics move through your body. As hard as it may be, let go. Feel the sensations, listen to the words, and tap into your hunger. Once you learn the words, sing deeply into your lungs. Singing your heart out stimulates the vagus nerve which promotes healing of the nervous system. Singing also releases oxytocin which relieves stress and anxiety. Trust me. Let go, and go for it.
Nightly Foot Massage
Commit to giving your feet some love every night before bed. Your feet carry you through every single day. They need our support. There are some beautiful foot balms and potions out there that can make it a very luxurious experience. I drop a bit of lavender oil on my feet and massage them with Booda Butter. Whether you have time for 1 minute per foot or 5 minutes, your feet will thank you. When you're finished loving them, put some nice warm cotton socks on and tuck into bed.
Our bodies desperately need our love and attention. We can practice our own body work through yoga, self massage, and using a foam roller. (I love the roller!) But it can be so beneficial to have some assistance. Osteopathy is a phenomenal medicine. If you have never had an adjustment, I highly suggest it. The body can get into a wired loop of stress and anxiety that it literally becomes physiological. Osteopathic adjustments provide a physical manipulation of bones and muscle tissue along with Myo-fascial release. It assists the body to shift into the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest state). I'm not an osteopathic doctor so I won't go further here. All I know is, body work is essential!
Acupuncture is so freaking amazing I don't even know where to start. It is one of the oldest forms of medicine in the world. It is a system that promotes deep and effective healing. Find a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and book an appointment.
Acupuncture improves our entire bodies functions, and assists the body to bring itself into a self-healing state. Acupuncture once a month with a practitioner you trust can be transformational. Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I endorse this 5,000 year old ancient eastern medicine whole-heartedly. It is as important as a weekly visit with your psychologist. Treat it seriously and go consistently. You may be blown away by the results.